Bol ke lab azad hain tere

Its hight time to unite ourselves to fight against all communal forces

Save India From BJP

Sunday, March 27, 2016

"We are independent"

"We are independent"

The heading reflects the meaning of freedom that we are living in an autonomous environment. Apart from this, the sentence "we are independent" is made up of three words in which first one is "we" which means the whole nation, second one is "are" which reflects our present state and third one is "independent" which is an adjective of independence which means the complete freedom of control or influence from anything else, be it a single individual, a group of people, or an organization.

Being a citizen of India and too having a Muslim identity, it always hurts when someone talks about independence and uses the word "we" that "we are independent”.

I am also a citizen of this nation and I don't think myself as “Independent” because in India if I am anti BJP or anti RSS or I am a Muslim then I am not allowed to speak against the government and its ideology, I am not allowed to raise my voice in farmer's support, I am not allowed to condemn anti human activities. I am not allowed to oppose communal steps. This clearly shows that if I am against the government and its ideology or particularly if I have a Muslim identity then there is no freedom of speech for me.  If I still speak and condemn all their vicious and communal steps which are putting a question mark before our democracy then I will be declared as anti national.

Present situation of our nation is more dangerous than ever. There is an undeclared emergency in our country. Students are being targeted, farmers are being forced to commit suicide, minorities are under attack, others faiths are being questioned thus intolerance is rising.

It’s high time we must unite ourselves. We must stand together against the nefarious design of the government to establish peace and tranquility in our nation and to punish all those communal forces who are hell-bent to tarnish the image of secular India before it’s too late.

Our country is in jeopardy and it is a matter of great concern. We need Independence in India; we need freedom according to our constitution.

Our nation is Independent but unfortunately we are not.

Monday, March 14, 2016


اب اپنی ذات سے بھی جدا ہو گیا ہوں میں
میں سوچنے لگا ہوں کہ کیا ہو گیا ہوں

الجھا ہوں زندگی کے مسائل میں آجکل
کچھ لوگ سوچتے ہیں خفا ہو گیا ہوں میں

میں زہر ہوں یہ بات بتائی تھی آپ نے
اب کیسے کیا ہوا کہ دوا ہو گیا ہوں میں

الزام آئینوں پہ   لگانا   فضول   ہے
میں جانتا ہوں سچ میں برا ہو گیا ہوں میں

سب کر رہے تھے میری حمایت اسی لئے
خود کی مخالفت میں کھڑا ہو گیا ہوں میں

انعام عازمی


زندگی درد کا سفر ہے یار
ہر کوئی اس سے بے خبر ہے یار

اک طرف زخم ہیں حقیقت کے
اک طرف خواب کا نگر ہے یار

خود سے بیزار ہو گیا ہوں میں
جانے کس بات کا اثر ہے یار

مجھکو اس سے نہیں کوئی مطلب
بولتا ہوں سدا۔مگر ہے یار

جانے کیوں مجھکو لیسا لگتا ہے
گھر کے اندر بھی ایک گھر ہے یار

وہ جو سب پہ یقین کرتا ہے
آدمی ہے کہ جانور ہے یار
